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GTT Series Software

GTT Rev2.0 series Software Tools for Screen Design, Display Support, and Default Settings.


GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A. Version brings the release of a major new GTT2.5 tool: charts, as well as development features such as logging and screenshots, in addition to minor bug fixes.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A. Version brings new tools, including Raw Buttons and Toggles, updates the Actions tab with an option to Clear All Traces, adds more Image Assets, and implements a number of bug fixes.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A. Version brings new tools, such as Axis Ticks and Two Colour Bargraphs, updates the Actions tab with options such as Set Bargraphs Colour and Set Gauge Test Colour, optimizations found in the updated Settings windows that allow even more loading options, and a number of bug fixes.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A. Version brings back support for button response events, optimizations that reduce screen loading time and flicker, exciting tool updates that offer additional animation and bar graph options, and minor bug fixes to the Designer.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version brings full support for the integrated keypad of the GTT29A, exciting tool updates that offer enhanced customization, new event actions that improve object interaction, and minor GUI improvements to the Designer, including additional gauge designs.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version includes enhanced reporting for advanced tools, property additions to the gauge tick parameters, and GUI improvements.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version includes major feature improvements including new tools, such as gauges and bars, updates to exisiting tools, GUI improvements, the addition of a Links tab for connecting objects, and full support for new commands released in GTT Firmware Version 2.7.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to the deployment window, style updates, the addition of an Events tab for visual script creation, and full support for new commands released in GTT Firmware Version 2.6.

GTT 2.0 Support Software

Support Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version adds support for firmware version 2.6 commands and fixes an issue with the Print UTF-8 command.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to the user interface, the addition of new Image Assets, and new tools such as Animations, Image Sliders, and Image Nine-Slices.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to user interface and features, as well as new tools, such as Triangle Buttons and Sliders.

GTT 2.0 Support Software

Support Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version adds support for byte and signed word array parameters.

GTT 2.0 Start Screens

Factory default start screens for the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT57A, and GTT70A.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes major updates to user interface, features, and tools.

GTT 2.0 Design Software

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes fixes for labels and traces.

GTT 1.0 Support Software

Support Software for the Legacy GTT Rev1.0 line, supports the GTT480272A. Version includes a small fix to add flow control back into the auto detect process.

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